Pharma Fest 2016

Dr. Than Trong Son - General Director of QuintilesIMS Vietnam introduced about company and presented on the basic concepts of research on clinical pharmacy.

Ms.Pham Ngoc Thai Ha introduced the 1st phase of a clinical pharmacy project: To define a research point and investigate the feasibilities.

Ms.Nguyen Thu Hien presented the clinical survey stage and brief introduction of the tasks of clinical research assistant.
Clinical Research Assistant (CRA) - clinical trial supervisor is a very specific job in which the supervisor not only masters the knowledge of protocol, pharmaceutical legislation, good clinical practice ( GCP) but also needs many soft skills such as communication, problem solving, relationship management, work arrangement ... in order to be able to meet task requirements. Therefore, QuintilesIMS has first opened and only CRA training program in Vietnam - Clinical Research Assistant Trainee (CRAT) for pharmacists who have passionate and enjoyable can be able to experience, learn and train before becoming true CRAs.

Mr. Ha Tien Dat introduced the CRAT program of Quintiles IMS for attenders
In the seminar, HUP students also listened to interesting sharing on experiences and feelings when they participated in CRA training program of Quintiles of Mr. Vu Minh Duy and Ms. DinhThanh Phuong.
At the end of the seminar, HUP students posed many questions related to the interview process and specific requirements when registering CRAT program of QuintilesIMS .
Hopefully, with the enthusiastic and positive responses from QuintilesIMS Company, the students obtained the useful information to be able to fully prepare necessary skills and knowledge for their work before graduation.
