Introduction of Pharmaceutical Research and Drug Information Journal

Name: Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Drug Information.
Address: 13-15 Le Thanh Tong, HoanKiem District, Ha Noi
Tel:  844.8245437                  Email:
Edi​tor in Chief: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dang Hoa
The Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Drug Information has been being released nationwide, published in Vietnamese for fulltext and in English for abstract and periodically one issue every two months, consisting of 40 pages.

The principle and purpose of Journal is: To announce and introduce the scientific research projects in the pharmaceutical fields (Pharmaceutics, analytical chemistry - drug quality control, pharmaceutical chemistry synthesis, biochemistry, phamacognosy, botanical chemistry, organization and pharmacoeconomics, clinical pharmacy, hospital pharmacy ...) in order to meet the needs of treatment and improvement of the undergraduate, postgraduate training quality and scientific researches. Make propaganda and communication on reliable knowledge about drug information and pharmacogivilance, timely ensure safe, efficient, reasonable use of drug for medical staff and community.
The licensing of the Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Drugs Information has provided significant progress in terms of both quantity and quality for training and scientific research of Ha Noi University of Pharmacy. This also creates a favorable conditions for the university to further improve the training quality aiming to provide high-quality human resources to serve healthcare of people.
