Welcome the delegation of Institute of Traditional Medicine, Ministry of Health Lao PDR

In the morning of 12th September 2016, the delegation of Institute of Traditional Medicine (ITM), Ministry of Health of Lao PDR leaded by Assoc.Prof. Kongmany Sydara, paid a working visit to Hanoi University of Pharmacy (HUP) for seeking chances of collaboration with our university.

The meeting was held with the attendance of Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Dang Hoa- HUP’s Retor, Head of International Relations Department and Departments of Botany and a researcher of Department of Botany.

For Implementation of viewpoints and policies of Communist Party and the State of Vietnam, with the desire to further strengthen friendship between two countries Vietnam –Lao, between university and institute and researchers of two units, Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Dang Hoa- HUP’s Retor, on be half of University of Pharmacy promised the delegation to continously assist, support on human training and consult on profesional for ITM, Ministry of Health Lao PDR especially in some issues: (1) Taxonomy and Identification of medicinal plants; (2) Tissue culture of medicinal plants;(3) Establishing the system to develop medicinal material in Laos. As a conclusion of the meeting, two sides agreed to promote the Memorandum of Understanding.
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