The training course on “Advanced Pharmacoepidemiology” under DU program sponsored by the Embassy of France was held in Ha Noi University of Pharmacy from 5th to 9th December 2016.

The training course on “Advanced Pharmacoepidemiology” taught by well experienced professors coming from Bordeaux university, the Republic of France belonging DU program sponsored by the Embassy of France was held in Ha Noi University of Pharmacy from 5th to 9th December 2016.

In the framework of cooperation between Hanoi University of Pharmacy and Bordeaux University belonging DU program sponsored by the Embassy of France, Prof. Driss Berdai and Prof. Annie Reglat together with assistant lecturers of the Department of Pharmacoeconomics and Management gave lectures in  the training course on “Advanced Drug Epidemiology for lecturers, graduate students and researchers of Pharmacoeconomics and Management from 5th to 9th December, 2016 at the Hanoi University of Pharmacy.

The participants of this course highly appreciated its professional quality and new approaches of the problem in each content taught by well experienced professors coming from Faculty of Pharmacy, Bordeaux University, the Republic of France.
DU program on "Pharmacovigilance and Epidemiology” sponsored by the Embassy of France has deployed since 2010. During the last 6 years, Bordeaux University has supported Ha Noi University of Pharmacy in the fields such as training core lecturers on pharmacovigilance and epidemiology, annually hundreds of lecturers, students, health workers have been trained on pharmacovigilance and epidemiology (both basic and advanced courses); consulting HUP to gradually improve its teaching content on pharmacovigilance and epidemiology for various types of undergraduate and graduate training program. 2016 will be the last year of implementing this topic and starting from 2017, in order to meet the social needs and HUP’s orientation, the topic “ Pharmaeconomics” will replace the old topic “Pharmacovigilance and Epidemiology” ​

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Toàn cảnh các học viên và giảng viên tham gia lớp tập huấn​

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Các giảng viên, trợ giảng và ban tổ chức lớp học​

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Hoc viên được cấp chứng chỉ
