Prof. Doctor Le Quang Cuong, Vice Minister of Health paid a working visit to Hanoi University of Pharmacy.

On 16 July 2013, Prof. Doctor Le Quang Cuong, Vice Minister of Health paida workingvisit to Hanoi University of Pharmacy. Attending also were the representatives of Ministry of Health from Department of Science, Technology and Training, Drug Administration of Viet Nam, Department of Health Care Management, Department of Personnel and Organization, Department of Planning and Finance. On the university side were the members of the Party Committee, the Directorate Board, the Trade Union Committee, the Secretary of Youth  Union as well as the Heads, Deputy Heads of Departments, Divisions,Institutes and Center.

At the meeting, the University's Leaders have reported theachievements gained in the academic year 2012-2013, the orientations and tasksmade for the academic year 2013-2014toVice Minister and the delegatesand also had some suggestions to the Ministry's Leaders and the related function Departments about some unresolved issues to help the university fulfill the assigned tasks.
After listening to the feedback to the above mentioned issues from the related Departments' Leaders, Prof., Le Quang Cuong highly appreciated the achievements made byHanoi University of Pharmacy. He proposed strengthening the co-operation among university staffs to work more effectively, concentrating onthe combination between theory and practice to provide students with professional skills during the time of studying at theuniversity. He also suggested the Leaders of the university should do something to improve the staffs' conditions. The Vice Minister also required the related Departments of Ministry of Health to give solutions to the remaining issues raisedby the University and wished the university to develop to deserve the leading university in the training pharmaceutical recourses for a better community health care.
On behalf of the university leaders and staffs, Assoc. Prof., Nguyen Dang Hoa, Secretary of the Party Committee - Rector expressed his thanks to the Vice Minister and the Delegates for their good comments and the essential guidance. The university' leaders promised to make continuous efforts and overcome all difficulties to successfully fulfill the assigned mission, to maintain and improve the training quality, to ensure continuous development of Hanoi University of Pharmacyin order to satisfy the increasing demand for development of the pharmaceutical sectorin particular and society in general.
