Oppotunity to study at China Medical University, Taiwan.

China Medical University is one of the top 500 universities in the world (ranked 199th in Academic Ranking of World Universities 2016) including 6 colleges where western medicine, Chinese medicine, pharmacy (including Chinese herbs), health care (including nursing), biopharmaceutical and food sciences, and public health educational, research and practice programs are provided. To find out more information about CMU, please go to http://english.cmu.edu.tw/.
To advance the researching capabilities, CMU would like to internationalize programs and encourage more international students to join CMU school to have solid collaborative researches. The fields of CMU are very similar. The best advisors will be offered to the students and the advanced topics will be discussed while students studying there. CMU aim to provide full scholarships and monthly stipends for Vietnam Students in 2017. Those students could have co-mentors or co-advisors from HUP.
CMU provide a monthly stipend of US$800 to PhD. students and a monthly stipend of US$500 to students in Master's programs. Spaces are limited for full-scholarships. If you are interested in this full-scholarship, CMU can secure the scholarships for you. Please find the following link and the reference information for the next semester: http://english.cmu.edu.tw/admission/form.php.
